Monday, January 11, 2016

Dollar Shave Club Update 1 Year Later

So, it has been 1 year since I joined the Dollar Shave Club. The question that I am asking myself, is it worth it? Yes it is. My motivations to join the Dollar Shave Club, had nothing to do with sticking it to the man, or because I hated my razor. My reason was more simplistic than that. I just hated going to a store and have to get razors from "behind the counter" or through some other locked cage. It was it was ridiculous and driving my crazy. Now, in addition to the easy of use, having the razors delivered once a month, they are cheaper, and because of the ease of use, I actually changed them more often in turn having a continued smoother shaving experience. Cheaper, less stress, and properly a little more hygienic sounds like a win/win for me.

In addition, there are some add on products that I have enjoyed. It is nice to try something new every couple of months or so. Check them out here.

But, what about the numbers? Before Dollar Shave Club, I was a Gillette user. Enjoyed the product, but it was costly at the retail store. Below are the savings from a year supply of Dollar Shave Club vs. Gillette at a retail store.

$/4-packYearly Cost
Gillette Fusion 4-blade refill$16.99$203.88
Dollar Shave Club$6.00$72.00

Now lets be a little more honest, before Dollar Shave Club, I never bought razors once a month. So, assuming that I was buying once every 1 1/2 months the realistic number would look more like this.

$/4-packYearly Cost
Gillette Fusion 4-blade refill$16.99$135.92
Dollar Shave Club$6.00$72.00

Either way, money is saved. So, I continue to find value with the Dollar Shave Club and will continue their service.

I can not end without saying that they are not the only game in town. Harrys and even Gillette is getting in the game with Gillette Shave Club. There are other options and I might even expand and try one of these options. Go ahead try one of these options too and get a clean blade without all the retail store hassles.